D&G - Autumn/winter 2010-2011
Welcome in the mountain country cottage of D&G, where snow is only one pretext to thread Moon Boots oversize and micro terribly sexy traditional woollen articles. Girl D&G in vain indeed adopts the vestimentary codes prevailing in high-altitude, it is finally only for better diverting them, in order to constitute a wardrobe funky of young jet-setteuse…
It does not matter if the fashion weeks, while falling pile at the time from the winter vacation, deprive the small world of the mode of one reinvigorating hot wine in top of the tracks. This season, thanks to Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana (which had fun to decline the universe warmy of the ski stations on a tone very first degree), each one had the impression - the time of the procession - to escape towards Méribel…
A little particular Méribel however, where each vestimentary detail would have been hyperbole under the eye accessory to the Italian duet. In perfect osmosis with their target (ideally made up of young beautiful and fortunate people, ready with enticher of each one of their creations, so shifted is they), the two men imagined a cloakroom where even the famous reindeers and other crystals of snow embroidered on our pullovers of child were reinterpreted, and this in order to gain in sex appeal.
Heated by opulent Moon Boots of fur (which it will not leave of all the show), girl D&G is then authorized body in knitting, mini shorts edelweiss, microphone wraps sweater like long-line bra knitted on lace skirt…
In the absence of being very realistic, the result proves to be tempting: a small sweater girdled on a long skirt of flowered muslin thus nicely renews the stereotypes in Heidi, while a maximum waistcoat with graphics tradi' once gains of desirability girdled and carried on a fine combination. In a general way, overall bandings of these knittings in extreme cases of the old-fashioned revival save the stylism of the procession. Besides one notes in the passing that as at Rag&Bone, the scarf is wedged in the belt…
Consequently, between fine translucent muslins moderated by childish meshs and parts a bit mild nutters (shorts in fur, combination cyclist out of wool, combishort first star…), the heart of Domenico and Stefano seem to balance, not knowing very well where to place the limit between sexy humour and winks schoolkid.
Impressed of a vivifying optimism, their collection has despite everything the merit to offer to the landscape fashion moment a good amount of imagination trendy. Moreover, there to look at more closely, once gone down from the podium and reduced of their accessories (ski masks, etc…) good number of parts are likely to prove to be portable, and this same in plain. One thinks in particular of the mesh which, associated with some smart and realistic parts, should have an urban bright future in front of it…